Modification of Custody Proceedings Under Florida Law


Modification of Custody Proceedings Under Florida Law

Posted on October 9th, 2024

  Modification of custody proceedings in Florida is a complex process that is vital for ensuring the best interests of the child or children are always met. Understanding the Grounds for Modification In Florida, a modification of child custody, also known as timesharing arrangements, can only be pursued if there has been a substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances… READ MORE

When is Litigation a Better Option Over Mediation?

Posted on February 18th, 2024

  While mediation is a valuable tool for resolving many disputes, some situations demand the formalities and authoritative decision-making of litigation.  Litigation may be a better option especially in cases involving complex legal issues or significant power imbalances.  In scenarios where your attorney must use legal precedent to make a good faith argument for the application or extension of the… READ MORE

Timesharing and Holidays

Posted on November 23rd, 2023

Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are more than just festivities. Thanksgiving and Christmas gives us a special timesharing opportunity with our children and families.  This special timesharing opportunity is invaluable to our children  who remember each special detail of each passing year.   Make this a special time to ponder upon lessons learned and how we can spread happiness to our… READ MORE

Five Best Divorce Planning Strategies After The Law Changed in 2023

Posted on October 12th, 2023

The domestic relations law in Florida saw significant changes in 2023.  The best way for you to plan for divorce is to use proven divorce planning strategies.  These strategies work!  Divorce cases usually involve financial issues.  Examples of financial issues would be responsibility for child support, alimony and attorney’s fees.  Equitable distribution of the marital assets and debts plays a… READ MORE

Florida Alimony Laws and the Drastic 2023 Legislative Changes

Posted on September 29th, 2023

Florida courts can no longer award permanent alimony as of July 1, 2023.   Changes to the laws governing alimony awards applies to any final judgment entered on or after July 1, 2023.  The new law limits rehabilitative alimony to five years.  The court can not award durational alimony for a marriage of less than three years.  Changes to the law… READ MORE

The New Child Custody Laws in Florida

Posted on September 12th, 2023

  There has been no better time in Florida to address child custody issues than now.  Governor Ron Desantis signed into law House Bill 1301 which took effect on July 1, 2023.   As of July 1, 2023, section 61.13 of the Florida Statutes  provides for a presumption that “equal timesharing” is in the minor child(ren)’s best interest.  Modification of child… READ MORE

How to Protect You and Your Family From Domestic Violence

Posted on March 8th, 2023

The Increasing Rate Of Domestic Violence The Duval County Domestic Violence Intervention Project’s annual report shows another annual increase in domestic violence related homicides — the highest level since 2008.  Alarmingly, the number of domestic violence deaths in Jacksonville increased 25% between 2020 and 2021.   You should immediately consult with a domestic violence lawyer if you are a victim of… READ MORE

How To Prepare Your Family Law Financial Affidavit Worksheet

Posted on February 7th, 2023

Let’s Prepare Your Financial Affidavit Does the law require me to file a financial affidavit? The Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure require every person involved in a dissolution of marriage, paternity, or support unconnected with dissolution of marriage proceeding to file a family law financial affidavit.  The Rules provide two different family law financial affidavits depending upon your annual… READ MORE

What to Do If a Custodial Parent Refuses Visitation

Posted on January 24th, 2019

Your ex could have valid reasons for denying you visitation. But if you are the non-custodial parent, it’s important to know that you have rights too. Below, we discuss what to do if a custodial parent refuses visitation and how you can protect your visitation rights. At  The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran. P.A., we represent people involved in  child… READ MORE

5 Tips for Dealing With Divorce During the Holidays

Posted on December 21st, 2018

Divorce is stressful enough. But during the holidays, it can be even more difficult to cope with. Preparing yourself now will be one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and your family. Below, we discuss five tips for dealing with divorce and dreading the holidays. If you are separated or considering divorce, the Law Office of A. Sam Jubran. P.A. can… READ MORE