Jacksonville Fathers Rights Lawyer

Fathers Rights Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL

father’s rights lawyer A father’s rights lawyer fights to protect the valuable bond between a father and child. If you are the father of a child born outside of marriage, you must take action to establish your parental rights.  The only way to establish your rights as a parent in this situation is to file a petition with the circuit court seeking to establish paternity and related relief.  You should consult with a Jacksonville father’s rights lawyer who can help you protect your rights as a parent. Contact The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, PA today.

Protect Your Parental Rights by Establishing Paternity

When you’re married, Florida law assumes that all children conceived during the marriage are the husband’s. However, things are more complicated when your child is conceived outside of a marriage. In these situations, you must legally establish your paternity.

Before the court can award time-sharing to a biological father who is not married to the child’s mother, “paternity” must be established.  There are a number of ways to establish paternity under Florida law.  While establishing paternity is sometimes as simple as signing and filing a form, it can be much more difficult in a disputed paternity case. You might have to participate in a DNA and provide other information to the court.

Sometimes, you might also discover that a child you believed was your biological offspring isn’t really yours. While Florida does have a process for disestablishing paternity, it’s very complicated. This is especially true if you’ve built a strong bond with the child. It’s also important to note that you cannot disestablish paternity if you owe unpaid child support in Florida.

It’s Important to Act Quickly

Jacksonville Fathers Rights Attorney

Because so much is at stake, you should consult with an experienced father’s rights lawyer as soon as possible. In a paternity claim, it is important to “file first” because the person who files selects the venue or the forum where the case will proceed.  This selection is very important and unless the defense of improper venue is immediately raised, it’s waived.

If you have questions about your parental rights, you should consult with a Jacksonville father’s rights lawyer as soon as possible. These cases can quickly become contentious and complicated. To schedule a consultation with a father’s rights lawyer, contact The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, PA today.

Gender Doesn’t Impact Your Child Custody Rights

Like all other states, Florida’s child custody laws don’t openly favor mothers in child custody disputes. However, most people typically view mothers as their children’s primary caregivers — ignoring the important role that fathers play. This subtle bias can impact your child custody agreement unless you have a skilled father’s rights lawyer at your side.

Mothers are particularly favored in custody cases involving unmarried parents. Before you establish paternity, your child’s mother has sole custody of your child. This means that she has ample time to build a deep parent-child relationship and can argue that giving you significant custody rights will negatively impact the child’s emotional well-being. Countering these arguments requires a careful analysis and help from an experienced father’s rights lawyer.

The Child Custody Process in Florida

Negotiating a Parenting Plan

father’s rights lawyer Typically, child custody issues begin with negotiation. If you and your child’s mother can agree to a voluntary parenting plan, you can avoid a contentious court battle. A parenting plan (sometimes called a custody agreement) should outline the basic division of your custody rights, including who will have primary custody, the other parent’s visitation rights, and other important information about your child’s upbringing and care.

It’s important to understand that a parenting plan isn’t just a casual agreement between two parents. After you sign the parenting plan, you’ll typically file it with the courts. A judge will review your plan and will convert it into a binding court order (if it meets certain standards). Once it’s approved, a parent can face contempt of court charges if he or she violates the parenting plan. For this reason, it’s always in your best interest to consult with a father’s rights lawyer before you sign a child custody agreement. Without guidance from a skilled family law attorney, you might make mistakes that cost you time with your child and diminish your parenting rights.

Resolving a Dispute in Court

If you cannot come to a custody agreement with the other parent, the courts will resolve your dispute. The judge must consider the best interests of your child when awarding custody and visitation. Typically, both parents will receive some parenting time in a court order — unless one parent is a danger to the child. If you have a history of drug or alcohol use, domestic violence, or other issues that might endanger your parenting rights, contact a father’s rights lawyer immediately.

At the Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, PA, we understand there are two sides to every story. We understand there are two sides to every story. We’ll listen to you without judgment and help you build a child custody strategy that protects your rights and meets your long-term goals. Contact us today for a consultation.

Off-Setting Child Support With Overnight Time-Sharing

father’s rights lawyer While establishing paternity is the first step towards getting child custody or visitation rights, it also carries financial responsibilities. A non-custodial father typically must pay child support. If you are the biological father of a child born outside of marriage and you take no action, then odds are the mother will apply for benefits from the state which could subject you to repayment of the state’s funds as well as to the establishment of child support pursuant to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

In most instances, this can result in overpayment of child support because the child support program does not have authorization to decide or give credit for substantial overnight time-sharing.  Taking substantial overnight time-sharing into account can reduce your monthly obligation under the guidelines. If you have questions about child support and parenting you should immediately consult with an experienced Jacksonville father’s rights lawyer.

Modifying Child Custody and Child Support Orders

If you already have a court-approved child custody or child support order in place, but it no longer meets your family’s needs, it’s time to consult with a father’s rights lawyer. Under certain circumstances, you can change the terms of a child custody or child support order. For example, courts will typically modify child custody orders if a parent is moving out-of-state or there is evidence that a child is in danger (due to drug use, violence, or other issues).

Modifying a court order is a complicated process. Don’t try to change a child custody or child support order on your own. Scheudle a free, no-obligation consultation with a father’s rights lawyer at The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, PA. We’ll help you understand your legal rights and options. And working with an experienced lawyer might save you time and heartache in the long run.

Schedule a Consultation With a Father’s Rights Lawyer

A father’s rights lawyer understands the importance and value of paternal relationships. At The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, PA, we help fathers protect their parental rights and guide them through the complicated process of establishing paternity, negotiating child custody, and calculating fair child support obligations. We also assist with the emotionally-charged issues of modifying child support and child custody orders and disestablishing paternity. For help establishing your parental rights contact Sam Jubran today at (904) 360-6100 or click to submit the confidential case evaluation form and we will be in touch soon.