Preparing yourself now will be one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and your family. Below, we discuss five tips for dealing with divorce and dreading the holidays.
If you are separated or considering divorce, the Law Office of A. Sam Jubran. P.A. can help, whether it is the holidays or any other season of the year. Call us today to learn more about our services.
You Can Enjoy the Holidays, Not Just Cope With Them
If you are going through a divorce or separation, you may feel like you lack the physical, mental, and emotional strength to function. But, it is possible to cope with, and even enjoy, the holidays by keeping these tips in mind:
1. Be Positive
It sounds corny, but try to recapture the joy you had as a child during the holidays. The fact is, this year, the holidays will be different for you. It might be your first apart from your children. It could be the first in many years spent alone.
The holidays are reminders that your life has changed. This can intensify any feelings you may have of sadness, loneliness, and failure. But you have a choice in how you feel about the holidays. See it as an opportunity to be proactive and make positive choices.
2. Plan in Advance
Before the holidays arrive, work with your ex to decide who will be with your children. If it isn’t you, make plans to spend the holidays with close family or friends. Maximize your time with your children before or after the holidays by planning something special.
If you don’t have children, treat yourself to some “me time”. Or better yet, do what has proven to boost happiness — help others. Consider volunteering at a nursing home. Serve the homeless.
Don’t wait. Make practical plans to enjoy this holiday season.
3. Create New Traditions
You might have holiday traditions that you can’t be a part of anymore. This might make you want to ignore the holidays altogether. The good news is that you don’t have to hold on to the past. You can make a new future.
Look at new traditions that can work for your new life situation. A good place to start is your ethnic or cultural background.
4. Take Pleasure in Gift-Giving
While gift-giving is a part of the holidays, it is often a cause of anxiety. If you are newly separated or divorced, you may find buying gifts more stressful than in the past. The high costs and large crowds associated with shopping are likely to impact you more now that you aren’t married.
This holiday season, consider gifts that you cannot buy at a mall or online. Give gifts of personal meaning, such as a family heirloom or a cherished possession for your child. Make it more special by leaving a note about the heirloom or possession, explaining its significance to you or your family.
You may also want to consider making donations to your loved ones’ favorite charities on their behalf. Or, give the gift of experiences, such as gift certificates to an indoor skating rink, concert tickets, or train passes.
5. Create Healthy Habits to Reduce Stress
If you are going through a divorce or separation, you are probably under a great deal of stress. People under stress tend to consume more foods that intensify anxiety symptoms, such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. They will also exercise less.
Don’t let stress ruin your health during the holidays. Establish healthy eating and exercise habits. Eat foods that have a calming effect, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts. Take a ten-minute walk every morning. Meditate when you wake up and go to sleep.
Dealing With Divorce During the Holidays Doesn’t Have to Be a Miserable Experience
With enough planning, creativity, and initiative, you can enjoy your new life while dealing with divorce during the holidays. For more information about divorce and child custody in Florida, contact The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran. P.A. today.